Estudo dos ruidos articulares atraves da tecnica artrosonografica dos joelhos normais de individuos jovens
Roberto Natalino Ricarte
Piracicaba, SP : [s.n.], 1987.
49f. : il.
Orientador : Fausto Berzin
Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Odontologia de Piracicaba
Resumo: Os ruídos articulares do joelho esquerdo normal de 43 indivíduos jovens de ambos os sexos, sendo 20 do sexo masculino e 23 do sexo feminino, foram analisados através da técnica artrosonográfica. As gravações destes ruídos obtidas em uma sala acústica, onde buscamos diminuir e foram evitar os...
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Resumo: Os ruídos articulares do joelho esquerdo normal de 43 indivíduos jovens de ambos os sexos, sendo 20 do sexo masculino e 23 do sexo feminino, foram analisados através da técnica artrosonográfica. As gravações destes ruídos obtidas em uma sala acústica, onde buscamos diminuir e foram evitar os possiveis ruidos extrinsecos as gravaçoes. Estes ruidos foram transportados posteriormente para um gravador de rolo acoplado a um eletromiógrafo, de onde obtivemos a análise dos ruídos articulares, tanto as suas características sonoras quanto as suas características visuais, observadas na tela do eletromiógrafo. O parâmetro de medida utilizado na classificação dos ruídos articulares foi a intensidade sonora que reproduziu-se na tela do.eletromiógrafo de três maneiras distintas: 1) curvas de fraca intensidade para os joelhos do tipo suave; 2) curvas de média intensidade para os joelhos do tipo moderado e 3) curvas de forte intensidade para os jolhos do tipo intenso. Os ruídos articulares comuns aos três tipos articulares classificados, caracterizaram-se na forma de chiados, rangidos, creptações, estalos e estalidos
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Abstract: The joint sounds of normal left knee of 43 young persons of both sex being 20 male and 23 female were analyzed
through the ar~hrophonographic technique. The recording of these sounds were taken in a acoustic room where we tried to
decrease and avoid any outside noises. These sounds, later... Ver mais Abstract: The joint sounds of normal left knee of 43 young persons of both sex being 20 male and 23 female were analyzed
through the ar~hrophonographic technique. The recording of these sounds were taken in a acoustic room where we tried to
decrease and avoid any outside noises. These sounds, later were transfered to a tape record electromyograph
from were we took the analysis of the joínt sounds as in theirs characteristic sounds as in their visual characteristics observed from the screen of the electromyograph. The paraxreter of measure used to classify the joint sounds wasthesonorous intensity that reproduced in the screen of theelectromyograph in three'distinct 'ways: 1) waves of weak intensity for knees type smooth; 2) waves of medium intensity for knees type moderate and 3) waves of strong intensity for knees , t;ype intense. The cornrnonjoint sounds to the threetype classifled are presented in the form of creaking, grinding, grating, crackling and claping Ver menos
through the ar~hrophonographic technique. The recording of these sounds were taken in a acoustic room where we tried to
decrease and avoid any outside noises. These sounds, later... Ver mais Abstract: The joint sounds of normal left knee of 43 young persons of both sex being 20 male and 23 female were analyzed
through the ar~hrophonographic technique. The recording of these sounds were taken in a acoustic room where we tried to
decrease and avoid any outside noises. These sounds, later were transfered to a tape record electromyograph
from were we took the analysis of the joínt sounds as in theirs characteristic sounds as in their visual characteristics observed from the screen of the electromyograph. The paraxreter of measure used to classify the joint sounds wasthesonorous intensity that reproduced in the screen of theelectromyograph in three'distinct 'ways: 1) waves of weak intensity for knees type smooth; 2) waves of medium intensity for knees type moderate and 3) waves of strong intensity for knees , t;ype intense. The cornrnonjoint sounds to the threetype classifled are presented in the form of creaking, grinding, grating, crackling and claping Ver menos
Estudo dos ruidos articulares atraves da tecnica artrosonografica dos joelhos normais de individuos jovens
Roberto Natalino Ricarte
Estudo dos ruidos articulares atraves da tecnica artrosonografica dos joelhos normais de individuos jovens
Roberto Natalino Ricarte
Nº de exemplares: 1
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