A luz alem da visão : iluminação e sua relação com a saude e bem-estar de funcionarias de lojas de rua e de shopping centers em Porto Alegre
Betina Tschiedel Martau
[The light beyond vision]
Campinas, SP : [s.n.], 2009.
504 p. : il.
Orientador: Paulo Sergio Scarazzato
Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Civil, Arquitetura e Urbanismo
Resumo: Este trabalho aborda os impactos nao visuais da exposicao humana a luz tentando
relacionar a qualidade da iluminacao a saude e bem-estar das funcionarias de lojas. A amostra
do estudo transversal foi definida aleatoriamente, com a participacao de mulheres voluntarias.
Foram selecionados tres... Ver mais Resumo: Este trabalho aborda os impactos nao visuais da exposicao humana a luz tentando
relacionar a qualidade da iluminacao a saude e bem-estar das funcionarias de lojas. A amostra
do estudo transversal foi definida aleatoriamente, com a participacao de mulheres voluntarias.
Foram selecionados tres grupos com dez participantes em cada: lojas de rua com contato com
exterior e turno de trabalho diurno (9h as18h), lojas de shopping centers sem janelas para o
exterior com turno de trabalho diurno (10h as 18h) e lojas de shopping centers sem janelas para
o exterior com turno de trabalho tarde e noite (14h as 22h). A avaliacao da iluminacao
considerou as dimensoes das lojas e caracteristicas dos sistemas, incluindo ofuscamento,
aparencia de cor da luz, flexibilidade e possibilidade de controles da iluminacao pelas
funcionarias. A avaliacao de aspectos relativos a saude e ao bem-estar utilizou como
instrumentos as escalas psicometricas validadas pela area da Psicologia para afericao de
sintomas depressivos, de ansiedade e estresse. A avaliacao das condicoes de sono e analise do
ritmo atividade/repouso foi feita com um actimetro com luximetro acoplado (Actiwatch), e a
analise do ritmo de temperatura corporal, com um sensor de temperatura (Ibutton). Foi
estabelecido o padrao de luz 24h a que esteve sujeita cada participante durante cinco dias
consecutivos e verificada a influencia deste padrao no sistema circadiano, atraves da medicao
dos niveis de melatonina e cortisol salivar. O grau de satisfacao das funcionarias e suas
preferencias relativas a iluminacao do ambiente de trabalho foram levantados atraves da
aplicacao de questionarios. Os dados foram analisados utilizando-se correlacoes de Pearson,
ANOVA e regressoes tipo stepwise, tendo como ferramenta o SPSS for Windows 13.0. No grupo
das lojas de rua, os resultados indicam que, apesar de o nivel de satisfacao das funcionarias com
os sistemas de iluminacao nao ser elevado, a presenca de luz natural contribui para sua saude e
bem-estar. O cruzamento de aspectos de satisfacao e emocionais com os aspectos biologicos
indicou que quanto maior a satisfacao geral com a iluminacao pela funcionaria da loja de rua,
maior o nivel de melatonina as 24h e menores o escores de depressao. A possibilidade de
contato com o exterior neste grupo leva a melhores condicoes fisiologicas, principalmente nas
condicoes de sono, que os demais grupos. Nos grupos de shopping centers, a correlacao inversa
encontrada entre a iluminancia geral media da loja e a satisfacao geral com as condicoes da
iluminacao no ambiente de trabalho merece destaque, porque e nesta categoria que os escores
foram mais altos em todas as escalas aplicadas, indicando piores condicoes emocionais, e onde
ha alteracoes nos aspectos biologicos avaliados. A pesquisa conclui ser necessaria a revisao das
estrategias para a iluminacao de lojas, sejam elas de rua ou de shopping centers, buscando-se
resolver os possiveis conflitos entre uma iluminacao para vender produtos e a que considere a
loja como um ambiente de trabalho.
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relacionar a qualidade da iluminacao a saude e bem-estar das funcionarias de lojas. A amostra
do estudo transversal foi definida aleatoriamente, com a participacao de mulheres voluntarias.
Foram selecionados tres... Ver mais Resumo: Este trabalho aborda os impactos nao visuais da exposicao humana a luz tentando
relacionar a qualidade da iluminacao a saude e bem-estar das funcionarias de lojas. A amostra
do estudo transversal foi definida aleatoriamente, com a participacao de mulheres voluntarias.
Foram selecionados tres grupos com dez participantes em cada: lojas de rua com contato com
exterior e turno de trabalho diurno (9h as18h), lojas de shopping centers sem janelas para o
exterior com turno de trabalho diurno (10h as 18h) e lojas de shopping centers sem janelas para
o exterior com turno de trabalho tarde e noite (14h as 22h). A avaliacao da iluminacao
considerou as dimensoes das lojas e caracteristicas dos sistemas, incluindo ofuscamento,
aparencia de cor da luz, flexibilidade e possibilidade de controles da iluminacao pelas
funcionarias. A avaliacao de aspectos relativos a saude e ao bem-estar utilizou como
instrumentos as escalas psicometricas validadas pela area da Psicologia para afericao de
sintomas depressivos, de ansiedade e estresse. A avaliacao das condicoes de sono e analise do
ritmo atividade/repouso foi feita com um actimetro com luximetro acoplado (Actiwatch), e a
analise do ritmo de temperatura corporal, com um sensor de temperatura (Ibutton). Foi
estabelecido o padrao de luz 24h a que esteve sujeita cada participante durante cinco dias
consecutivos e verificada a influencia deste padrao no sistema circadiano, atraves da medicao
dos niveis de melatonina e cortisol salivar. O grau de satisfacao das funcionarias e suas
preferencias relativas a iluminacao do ambiente de trabalho foram levantados atraves da
aplicacao de questionarios. Os dados foram analisados utilizando-se correlacoes de Pearson,
ANOVA e regressoes tipo stepwise, tendo como ferramenta o SPSS for Windows 13.0. No grupo
das lojas de rua, os resultados indicam que, apesar de o nivel de satisfacao das funcionarias com
os sistemas de iluminacao nao ser elevado, a presenca de luz natural contribui para sua saude e
bem-estar. O cruzamento de aspectos de satisfacao e emocionais com os aspectos biologicos
indicou que quanto maior a satisfacao geral com a iluminacao pela funcionaria da loja de rua,
maior o nivel de melatonina as 24h e menores o escores de depressao. A possibilidade de
contato com o exterior neste grupo leva a melhores condicoes fisiologicas, principalmente nas
condicoes de sono, que os demais grupos. Nos grupos de shopping centers, a correlacao inversa
encontrada entre a iluminancia geral media da loja e a satisfacao geral com as condicoes da
iluminacao no ambiente de trabalho merece destaque, porque e nesta categoria que os escores
foram mais altos em todas as escalas aplicadas, indicando piores condicoes emocionais, e onde
ha alteracoes nos aspectos biologicos avaliados. A pesquisa conclui ser necessaria a revisao das
estrategias para a iluminacao de lojas, sejam elas de rua ou de shopping centers, buscando-se
resolver os possiveis conflitos entre uma iluminacao para vender produtos e a que considere a
loja como um ambiente de trabalho.
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Abstract: This work addresses the issue of non-visual impacts of human exposure to light, in an
attempt to relate the quality of lighting to health, comfort, and well-being of female retail store
employees. The sample for the cross-sectional study was randomly established with female
volunteers.... Ver mais Abstract: This work addresses the issue of non-visual impacts of human exposure to light, in an
attempt to relate the quality of lighting to health, comfort, and well-being of female retail store
employees. The sample for the cross-sectional study was randomly established with female
volunteers. Three groups were selected: street retail stores with outside contact and daily
working hours (9 a.m. to 6 p.m.), shopping mall retail stores with no window facing outside,
with daily working hours (10 a.m. to 6 p.m.), and shopping mall retail stores with no window
facing outside, with afternoon and evening working hours (2 p.m. to 10 p.m.). Each group
included ten employees. Assessment of lighting considered the dimensions of the stores and
characteristics of systems, including the occurrence of glare, color appearance of light,
flexibility, and possibility of lighting control by employees. The tools to assess well-being and
health were psychometric scales internationally validated by the psychiatric field to measure
depression, anxiety, and stress symptoms. Assessment of sleep conditions and analysis of the
activity/rest rhythm was carried by a wrist monitor with attached luximeter (Actiwatch) and the
analysis of the body temperature rhythm was made by a temperature sensor (Ibutton), to which
each participant was submitted for five consecutive days. The lighting pattern's influence on the
circadian system was verified by measuring saliva melatonin and cortisol levels. The degree of
satisfaction of employees and their preferences regarding work environment lighting were
surveyed by applying questionnaires. Data were analyzed using Pearson correlations, ANOVA,
and stepwise regression, with the tool SPSS for Windows 13.0. In street retail store group,
results indicate that even though employees' satisfaction with lighting systems is not high, the
presence of natural light contributes for their health and well-being. Crossing the assessment of
satisfaction and emotional aspects with biological ones indicated that the higher the street
retail store employees' general satisfaction with lighting, the higher their melatonin level at 12
p.m. and the lower their depression scores. Possibility of outside visual contact in that group
leads to better physiological conditions, especially sleep conditions, than the other groups. In
shopping mall groups, the reverse correlation found between the store's average general
illuminance and general satisfaction with lighting conditions in the work environment is worth
pointing out, since scores were highest in that category (worse emotional conditions) in all
scales applied and there are changes both in cortisol rhythm (tendency to lower rhythm in the
morning and afternoon mall group) and in melatonin (tendency to phase delay in the afternoon
and evening mall group) as well as differentiation in activity rhythm and temperature in the
afternoon and evening mall group. Shopping mall employees' miss visual contact with the
outside, being able to vary lighting during the workday, and consider lighting as excessive. Most
of them reported that they would like to reduce the amount of light in their workplace during
the day. The study concludes that it is necessary to review the stores' lighting strategies,
whether they are street retail stores or shopping mall retail stores, to seek new guidelines able
to solve the possible conflicts between light oriented to sell products and that which considers
the store as a workplace.
Ver menos
attempt to relate the quality of lighting to health, comfort, and well-being of female retail store
employees. The sample for the cross-sectional study was randomly established with female
volunteers.... Ver mais Abstract: This work addresses the issue of non-visual impacts of human exposure to light, in an
attempt to relate the quality of lighting to health, comfort, and well-being of female retail store
employees. The sample for the cross-sectional study was randomly established with female
volunteers. Three groups were selected: street retail stores with outside contact and daily
working hours (9 a.m. to 6 p.m.), shopping mall retail stores with no window facing outside,
with daily working hours (10 a.m. to 6 p.m.), and shopping mall retail stores with no window
facing outside, with afternoon and evening working hours (2 p.m. to 10 p.m.). Each group
included ten employees. Assessment of lighting considered the dimensions of the stores and
characteristics of systems, including the occurrence of glare, color appearance of light,
flexibility, and possibility of lighting control by employees. The tools to assess well-being and
health were psychometric scales internationally validated by the psychiatric field to measure
depression, anxiety, and stress symptoms. Assessment of sleep conditions and analysis of the
activity/rest rhythm was carried by a wrist monitor with attached luximeter (Actiwatch) and the
analysis of the body temperature rhythm was made by a temperature sensor (Ibutton), to which
each participant was submitted for five consecutive days. The lighting pattern's influence on the
circadian system was verified by measuring saliva melatonin and cortisol levels. The degree of
satisfaction of employees and their preferences regarding work environment lighting were
surveyed by applying questionnaires. Data were analyzed using Pearson correlations, ANOVA,
and stepwise regression, with the tool SPSS for Windows 13.0. In street retail store group,
results indicate that even though employees' satisfaction with lighting systems is not high, the
presence of natural light contributes for their health and well-being. Crossing the assessment of
satisfaction and emotional aspects with biological ones indicated that the higher the street
retail store employees' general satisfaction with lighting, the higher their melatonin level at 12
p.m. and the lower their depression scores. Possibility of outside visual contact in that group
leads to better physiological conditions, especially sleep conditions, than the other groups. In
shopping mall groups, the reverse correlation found between the store's average general
illuminance and general satisfaction with lighting conditions in the work environment is worth
pointing out, since scores were highest in that category (worse emotional conditions) in all
scales applied and there are changes both in cortisol rhythm (tendency to lower rhythm in the
morning and afternoon mall group) and in melatonin (tendency to phase delay in the afternoon
and evening mall group) as well as differentiation in activity rhythm and temperature in the
afternoon and evening mall group. Shopping mall employees' miss visual contact with the
outside, being able to vary lighting during the workday, and consider lighting as excessive. Most
of them reported that they would like to reduce the amount of light in their workplace during
the day. The study concludes that it is necessary to review the stores' lighting strategies,
whether they are street retail stores or shopping mall retail stores, to seek new guidelines able
to solve the possible conflicts between light oriented to sell products and that which considers
the store as a workplace.
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Scarazzato, Paulo Sérgio, 1954-
Labaki, Lucila Chebel, 1943-
Mascaro, Lucia Elvira Raffo
Luz, Clarice
A luz alem da visão : iluminação e sua relação com a saude e bem-estar de funcionarias de lojas de rua e de shopping centers em Porto Alegre
Betina Tschiedel Martau
A luz alem da visão : iluminação e sua relação com a saude e bem-estar de funcionarias de lojas de rua e de shopping centers em Porto Alegre
Betina Tschiedel Martau
Nº de exemplares: 2
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