A survey on offline reinforcement learning : taxonomy, review, and open problems

A survey on offline reinforcement learning : taxonomy, review, and open problems

Rafael Figueiredo Prudencio, Marcos R. O. A. Maximo and Esther Luna Colombini



Agradecimentos: The project was coordinated by Softex, Austin, TX, USA, and published as intelligent agents for mobile platforms based on cognitive architecture technology [01245.013778/2020-21]

Abstract: With the widespread adoption of deep learning, reinforcement learning (RL) has experienced a dramatic increase in popularity, scaling to previously intractable problems, such as playing complex games from pixel observations, sustaining conversations with humans, and controlling robotic...


A survey on offline reinforcement learning : taxonomy, review, and open problems

Rafael Figueiredo Prudencio, Marcos R. O. A. Maximo and Esther Luna Colombini


A survey on offline reinforcement learning : taxonomy, review, and open problems

Rafael Figueiredo Prudencio, Marcos R. O. A. Maximo and Esther Luna Colombini


    IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems

    n. art. 3250269, 2023