Art of Maternal Womb Painting : term, concept, and technique

Art of Maternal Womb Painting : term, concept, and technique

Junia Aparecida Laia da Mata, Antonieta Keiko Kakuda Shimo



[Arte de la Pintura del Vientre Materno: termo, concepto y técnica]

Present the term, concept and technique of art of maternal womb painting. Method: a theoretical, exploratory and qualitative study. Results: from the results, the concept was elaborated and based on linguistic, philosophical and specialized perspective. The concept and technique of Art of Maternal...


Art of Maternal Womb Painting : term, concept, and technique

Junia Aparecida Laia da Mata, Antonieta Keiko Kakuda Shimo


Art of Maternal Womb Painting : term, concept, and technique

Junia Aparecida Laia da Mata, Antonieta Keiko Kakuda Shimo


    Revista brasileira de enfermagem

    Vol. 72 (Dec., 2019), p. 32-40