Dynamic tests in a steel catenary riser reduced scale model

Dynamic tests in a steel catenary riser reduced scale model

Xinglan Bai, Murilo A. Vaz, Celso K. Morooka, Yonghe Xie



Agradecimentos: This research was supported by the Nature Science Foundation Program of Zhejiang Province [grant number LZ15E090001], the Chinese Natural Science Foundation Program [grant number 51679217] and by Brazilian Post-doctoral Program via National Council for Scientific and Technological...

Experimental investigations were conducted on a steel catenary riser (SCR) with different stiffness seafloor models both in dry and wet conditions. The motion oscillator and cell load connect the riser model in a tank, and forced motions with different amplitudes and frequencies were studied. Model...


Dynamic tests in a steel catenary riser reduced scale model

Xinglan Bai, Murilo A. Vaz, Celso K. Morooka, Yonghe Xie


Dynamic tests in a steel catenary riser reduced scale model

Xinglan Bai, Murilo A. Vaz, Celso K. Morooka, Yonghe Xie


    Ships and offshore structures

    Vol. 12, no. 8 (Nov., 2017), p. 1064-1076